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Balancing Social Life and Academics: Insights on College Student Life

Deciding where to go to college is an exciting and challenging process. As you evaluate potential schools, you‘ll consider many factors – from academic programs to finances, campus culture and more.

One question that often comes up is how to balance social life with academics. Every student has different interests and priorities. The goal is to find the right fit – an environment where you can thrive academically while also finding connections and activities you enjoy.

Rather than make generalizations about "party schools," I think it‘s most helpful to take a comprehensive look at the opportunities and resources different colleges provide to support their students.

Characteristics of a Healthy Campus Culture

What types of services and programming can set students up for success? Here are some things that indicate a campus focused on student wellbeing:

  • Robust academic support: Tutoring, writing centers, research assistance etc. Show commitment to academic excellence.

  • Mentorship and advising: Helper students navigate college and plan their futures.

  • Varied social programming: Student events, concerts, outdoor recreation, clubs/organizations for different interests.

  • Education on wellness: Workshops, courses and counseling around physical/mental health, substance use, relationships and more.

  • Infrastructure: Spaces for studying, networking, convening. Libraries, lounges, student centers.

A range of programming and support services allows students to find balance and pursue a college experience tailored to their needs.

Fostering Inclusion and Responsibility

College is a time for students to explore interests, meet different people and be exposed to new ideas.

To facilitate this, campuses should promote:

  • Diversity and inclusion: Creating welcoming environments for people from all backgrounds.

  • Student empowerment: Leadership opportunities, student government, community engagement projects.

  • Responsibility and ethics: Education on being an active citizen, understanding consent, bystander intervention training and more.

With the right infrastructure, students can take ownership over their experience and support one another.


Rather than focus on generic rankings or stereotypes about parties, I encourage students and families to look holistically at college communities.

Prioritize schools demonstrating a commitment to academic excellence AND student wellbeing. There are many paths to finding the right fit for your interests and needs.

The college years should be a time for students to pursue passions, build relationships and develop skills to empower them for the future. With an infrastructure to support that, students can make the most of this formative time.
