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Hey There! Your Guide to Crushing Middle School in Your Own Awesome Way

Can you even believe you’re about to start middle school? Where did the time go, right? One day you’re memorizing times tables and perfecting somersaults on the playground, the next you’re suddenly a “tween” (sorry, I know you hate labels) navigating new classes, friends and drama central.

But take a deep breath with me…you SO got this! In fact, these next few years are going to rock as you uncover crazy talents and passions. You’ll laugh harder than ever with friends. Also cry or vent to each other during rough moments since feelings intensify big time (hormones, am I right?).

Through all of it, the most important thing to remember is just focus on being your authentic, unstoppable self. Pursue what sets YOUR soul on fire. The rest will fall into place. Compare less, enjoy more.

In this epic guide as an inspiring education reformer and middle school survivor myself, I’ll break down my best tips to help you thrive beautifully. Get ready to find – and flaunt! – your unique brand of coolness during one of life’s most magical adventures yet!

Craft a Style That Makes You Beam

Expressing your evolving personal aesthetic is one of the joys of middle school. Sure comfort still ranks high when your schedule overflows with activities, friends and dreams daring you to try new things.

But this is prime time for fearless fashion exploration too! Why stick with basic jeans and tees when you could be rocking motorcycle jackets, cloud-print dresses, tie-dye hoodies or faux fur coats?

Go bold or go home I say! Fortunately trends keep getting more fun and anything-goes too. Peep these pointers for developing swaggy style that sparks utter joy:

Find Your Fab Fit

Start by studying current looks online or in your fave stores to decode preferences. Are you drawn to clean lines or crinkly textures? Neutrals or neon brights? Flouncy skirts or edgy ripped denim?

Once your vibe clicks, have fun trying all sorts of pieces in that zone. Straight, skinny, flare and more – jeans now come in so many cuts to discover your fab fit. Find tops balancing oversized coziness with shaping structure.

The goal is uncovering that winning combo making you look and feel FIERCE. Shine on!

Accessories Add Personality

The extras bringing it all together matter too – trust me. The perfect necklace, choker, rings, hair accessories (claws! scrunchies! headbands!), handbags, kicks or layers define your style tribe.

Hit up accessory staples like Claire’s and Forever 21. But also explore boutiques, vintage shops and sidewalk artisans for one-of-a-kind finds channeling your singular swag.

When your look feels complete, walk with pride!

Change Up Your Hair Game

An epic cut and color can totally transform you. Go gradual with natural highlights and trims if less daring. But if you’re craving drama, be brave!

You won’t have as much freedom in high school or corporate jobs to try edgy styles. So take inspiration from YouTube tutorials and the rainbow hair trend. Try peekaboo color, mermaid waves, neon ends, bold bangs – whatever ignites excitement.

No need to commit long-term either. Many dyes and cuts grow out quickly if you get bored. Fun fact – my friend Mara has rocked blue, purple AND red hair just this year!

Make Choice Intentional

Most importantly, choose purposefully. Follow influencers promoting healthy self-image – not edited perfection. Select eco-friendly brands caring for communities. Support local designers spreading joy creatively.

Let your style reflect causes and values most important to YOU. When purpose moves you toward investing in pieces deeply meaningful, now that’s cool.

Rock their style proudly knowing purchases make a difference!

Pro Tip: Confidence shines brightest when YOU feel amazing – not chasing trends or others’ approval. So do you boldly!

Discover Passions Through New Activities

The classic middle school dilemma – SO many interesting clubs, sports and electives, so little time! I swear, schools intentionally overwhelm you with options hoping something sticks.

Lucky for you, sampling diverse activities helps uncover hidden talents and interests guiding friendships ahead. Think jack of all trades…then slowly zero in on the gems sparking curiosity, growth and fun long-term.

For insider perspective, in my first year I joined basketball, chess club, mathletes AND band simultaneously. I know, crazy! My eclectic interests made juggling everything exhausting quick.

But through whittling down extracurriculars, I discovered leadership and community service fulfilled me most. So take my advice – experiment with new pursuits first, then go all in on what sets YOUR soul ablaze.

Get Moving

Playing organized sports builds lifelong skills beyond scoring points like teamwork, resilience and work ethic. Can’t hurt with cardio too! Attend tryouts even lacking experience since fundamentals get taught. Older teammates will hype you up!

If competitive play feels intimidating, join a recreational league instead at community centers. Great options like indoor climbing, martial arts, dance, cheer, even Quidditch exist exploring interests casually minus the pressure.

Staying active provides a healthy outlet when stress strikes too. Which it WILL – welcome to tweenhood’s emotional rollercoaster!

Hot Fact: Students participating in extracurricular activities average GPAs higher than non-joiners across racial groups and economic statuses. Sports in particular correlates to improved confidence, time management abilities, college prospects, civic involvement and income later on!

Unleash Your Inner Creative

When balancing heavy course loads full of exams, connect back to your soul through artistic outlets. Research shows hands-on creating reduces anxiety substantially while enhancing problem-solving. Plus you’ll likely impress crushes by getting all vulnerable through poems, songs or paintings!

Unleash talents through photography, theater, orchestra, graphic design. For easy entry points try weaving, jewelry-making or painting community center classes if intimidated. But push past fears by auditioning for school musicals or joining jazz band too – no skill level required since that’s exactly why you start early!

Discouraged attempting new mediums alone. Collaborating with artistic friends multiplies courage exponentially while accountability keeps progress flowing. Soon undiscovered Picassos and Beyonces will emerge ready to showcase gifts with the world!

Amazing Fact: Students highly involved in arts nine times more likely to achieve honors recognition compared to non-arts peers. Visual arts tied to spatial reasoning and mathematics achievement long term.

Join Innovative Academics

Gifted programs, STEAM electives and academic clubs nurture budding big ideas while building knowledge and aptitudes.

Spark innovation through coding club, 3D printing projects or entering science fairs. Develop logical thinking as mathletes or high IQ society Mensa. Model UN and debate team channels nourishes passions for global issues, civics and ethics – super handy later pursuing law, politics or activism! Qualifying for National Junior Honor Society looks impressive on magnet school applications too.

Lean into academic strengths through groups elevating natural abilities rather than just grades. Design robots, launch startups, compete in Quiz Bowl battles, write novels during writing workshops. Surrounding yourself with like-minded intellectual peers creates enriching communities. You’ll motivate each other to keep reaching higher together.

Awesome Evidence: Gifted or honors program enrollment linked to placement in advanced courses high school onward. Higher self-directed learning fostering independent scholarship.

Pro Tip: Don’t just join groups you “should” for status or college apps if they don’t genuinely interest you long term. Invest time only in pursuits bringing personal fulfillment!

Build Healthy, Happy Relationships

Between classes, hormones and new social circles forming, things get confusing quick. You’ll likely ditch elementary BFFs. Frenemies emerge. Crushes distract constantly with heart flutters (or breaks).

Navigating tween social wilderness ain’t for the faint of heart! But surrounded by positivity and support, you’ll thrive beyond surviving. Peep tips making connections through turmoil feeling secure.

Who do YOU want beside you entering beast mode chaos?

Uplift Peers Consistently

A huge chunk of social capital comes from how you treat people, especially those typically marginalized. Influencers get noticed by being ridiculous kind and inclusive.

Sit with loners during lunch. Hype talents publicly on Instagram. Actually listen to dreams and struggles. Go high when others go low with gossip. Build by recognizing gifts in others.

Doing so earns respect and trust exponentially faster than chasing superficial popularity through trash talk. Why not start meaningful friendships instead?

Shocking Fact: Middle schoolers kind to marginalized peers 60% more liked than average students. High social intelligence & empathy predicts greater friendship satisfaction.

Choose Relationships Wisely

Seek folks aligning values like integrity, growth-mindset and trust. Don’t just follow the crowd chasing clout through exclusion or drama. Having just 2-3 genuine friends supporting your goals means more than superficial masses.

Open up and be present with people who motivate you, make you belly laugh daily and lend listening ears during rough family stuff. Shared values bonds tighter than forced connections chasing approval just because “everyone else” clicks with them.

Build your close-knit “found family” ride-or-dies instead. They’ll soon feel like cousins and siblings rolled into one!

Truth Bomb: Teens rating friends highly as validation providers more likely to use substances, engage in risky behaviors and experience anxiety or depression. Prioritize emotional safety!

Lift the Community Too!

Giving back feels amazing while looking impressive for magnet school applications. Stand out by coordinating fundraisers, mentoring younger students, volunteering at food banks or animal shelters. You make global impact through optimism and actions.

I organize an inner-city clean up group. Last week we helped elderly neighbors de-clutter homes too. Even small consistent acts of service add up, growing courage to spark even bigger waves of renewal down the road.

You got this – go be legendary!

Fact Check: Students volunteering weekly or more report higher self-esteem, empathy, resilience and life satisfaction over peers not serving community. Helping others correlates to better health and moods long term.

Step Boldly Beyond Comfort Zones

Uncertainty will feel like your uncomfortable new norm amidst middle school growing pains. Lucky for you, regularly moving beyond those cozy comfort zones builds priceless resilience and courage.

Negative thoughts will still creep in sometimes like:

But what if I embarrass myself trying out for cheer squad?

What if my poem stinks when I read it aloud in English class?

What if I get rejected asking Ayanna to the spring dance?

Here’s the secret though – you WON’T regret uncomfortable risks taken trusting instincts and aiming high. But holding back timidly guarantees regret every time!

Start small by raising your hand more when stumped in class. Others likely share the same question. Volunteer first presenting group projects. Send anonymous compliments to thirst trap crushes.

Build momentum conquering little victories, then make epic fear leaps like performing songs at talent shows! Feel the exhilarating rush of courage washes over. Soon you‘ll crave unfamiliar adventures without hesitation.

Imagine standing center spotlight singing soulfully as students erupt, myself yelling “WOOHOO, ENCORE!” from third row. Sweaty adrenaline pumps through veins realizing anything feels possible.

Who’s ready to ride magical momentum as brave actions stacks, transforming “old you” into heroically empowered trailblazer? Confidence awaits you just outside restricted comfort!

Stand Out By Being 110% YOU

Peer pressure mounts looking around wondering: Will I ever really fit in? News flash though – fitting into a fleeting mold never satisfies long term. Standing confidently solo as your weirdest, wildest self does!

The influential difference-makers lighting up rooms dance fiercely to rhythms of their distinct drums. They dismiss ridicule sticking boldly to offbeat passions.

While the masses chase conformity desperation trying desperately to impress, YOU remain anchored within – not swayed by outside opinions. Walk on wearing weirdness proudly like it’s couture.

When genuine fulfilment and self-belief fills you first, true belonging with fellow flocks of fabulously uncommon souls follows soon after!

Share Your Gifts Freely

Start expressing opinions, jokes and talents showing off signature color. Answer questions creatively, head high. Dazzle class with obscure fun facts tying interests to random lessons.

Dare to be embarrassingly yourself – full weirdness on display. Write songs, design video games, geek out over birds or poetry. Allow soul to breach surface translating messy magic within to without.

Blaze trails first following curiosity then watch compatriots join adventure. Bold consistency being unapologetically YOU attracts your people hungry for authentic connection.

Set Your Own Trends

Get sneaky tricking peers into individualism too by setting trends deliberately against mindless mainstream. Thrift fluorescent windbreakers rocking them proud despite raised eyebrows.

Hype up emerging EDM artists on playlists. Post glow up pics featuring dimple piercings, curly shags and clown sneakers like it’s no big deal.

Others will squint at first but soon pivot mimicking daring swag. Even copycats boosting bold personal style signals wins for independently minded influence!

Pro Tip: Research shows valuing self-acceptance and individuality over conformity predicts greater self-esteem and life satisfaction long term!

Your Worth Never Wavers

Sometimes amidst the mania, it’s easy losing perspective trapped in the bubble of social survival mode. Insecurities rise and fall whether you’re labeled loser or winner rotating weekly.

But here’s the thing – who you are has already been etched out beautifully before showing up. We all enter equipped with unique gifts to uplift the world.

Blocks get dismantled when you dismiss false narratives saying you’re too much or not enough. Stand unapologetically in worthiness knowing you’re fully complete and worthy right now.

Wrestling judgments begging for validation by chasing trends or clout finally ceases. Gone is self-betrayal dimming your shine ever again. YOU already whole.

The more you embrace fearlessly filling voids within first, the less others’ opinions rock your world. You cultivate unshakable inner calm and confidence simply by being authentic, wonderful you.

That’s my sacred wish for you.. To know your magic cannot be touched – only unleashed freely through passion and purpose. You GOT this!

Now Go Make Your Mark!

Whew, we covered a ton of ground! But you’re now equipped with my best insider tips to make middle school magic. First step? Walk through those doors next week with your head held high, got it?

The only competition lies within – challenging previous versions of yourself to keep reaching higher. Measure growth through kindness, courage and joy chosen daily.

Stay true to YOU above all. Let interests and values guide bold self-expression. Take risks expanding horizons while making a difference.

Lift others along adventures built confidently from inside out. Soon you‘ll be leaving legacy far beyond mere middle school survival.

I believe in you, my trailblazing friend! Now go out there to write the story only your daring heart can pen…
