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How Do You Get Invited To Your High School Reunion? A Step-By-Step Guide – Save Our Schools March

Leslie nearly dropped her cell phone when she saw the text from her old friend Jen, whom she hadn’t heard from since high school graduation over a decade ago. Jen was reaching out to say she’s organizing their 15-year high school reunion this fall!

Leslie was overjoyed at the chance to reconnect in person. She immediately responded to say she’d love to come and couldn’t wait to catch up soon!

If you also dream of going back in time to laugh again with childhood friends, then getting invited is step one. This guide will walk you through everything involved in making the guest list for these milestone events.

Getting Invited is Easier Than You Think!

I have great news! According to national surveys by Reunions Magazine, over 95% of high schools organize official reunion events. Even more exciting – they really want you there!

On average, reunion committees successfully reach 70-80% of living alumni from a graduating class. And the most popular years to hold reunions (10th, 20th, 25th and 50th) see over 30% of those contacted attend.

With organizers dedicated to pulling these events off, you just need to take a few proactive steps to boost your chances of catching an invite.

Reconnect With Friends and Rediscover Yourself

While organizers go all out planning activities, games, meals and entertainment, reunions are really about the relationships.

Multiple research studies highlight powerful mental health benefits of rekindling old friendships – from lower anxiety and stress to improved mood and self-esteem.

Beyond wellness perks, reunions also provide career networking, closure on past relationships, and inspiration from seeing the diverse journeys of classmates.

In the end, it’s all about writing the next chapter together decades later!

Now that you see why scoring that invitation is so valuable, let’s explore how organizers make it happen year after year…

Master Detectives Tracking Down Classmates

Before sending invites, planning committees first need to channel their inner Sherlock Holmes to scour the country for long-lost classmates‘ current contact information.

This vital data collection requires some serious digital detective work!

Leveraging Alumni Databases

Many high schools maintain extensive alumni directories, often in collaboration with third-party database providers like Reunions Manager and EventReunions.

For example, Lakewood High School uses to manage records on over 20,000 former students. Check out this screenshot of their powerful people search dashboard:

With robust search tools like name, class year, location, maiden names, and more, organizers can dive deep into these databases to retrieve updated email or mailing addresses on classmates.

Pro Tip: Make sure your own contact info stays current in your alumni database! Sign up for your school‘s directory online or call the alumni office to update:

  • Jefferson High Alumni Network:
  • Lincoln High Alumni Association: (212) 555-9876
  • John F. Kennedy Alumni Directory: [email protected]

Harnessing the Power of Social Media

In addition to databases, planning committees also leverage LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram and other platforms to connect with fellow graduates.

On Facebook, groups like "WSHS Class of 1993" or pages for specific reunion events like "Lincoln HS Class of 82‘s 40th Reunion" provide a centralized hub. Organizers can invite members or followers and spark excitement.

Chris Allen, who organized his reunion via Facebook, suggests the following approach:

  1. Join your class year‘s official groups and chat pages
  2. Friend/message all classmates you‘re connected to
  3. Share old yearbook photos and memories to stir excitement