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How To Become A Welder Without Going To Welding School – Save Our Schools March

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Have you ever dreamed of becoming a welder but don’t have the time or money to complete a formal welding program? Don’t give up on your welding dreams just yet! There are several pathways to break into a welding career without having a welding certification or diploma from a trade school or college program.

If you’re short on time, here’s a quick answer to your question: you can become a welder through on-the-job training as a welding helper or apprentice, self-study using books/videos/online courses, or a short welding certificate program at a community college.

In this comprehensive guide, we will outline different options for learning welding skills without full-time welding school and how to land that first welding job and build your career from there.

Learn Welding through On-the-Job Training

If you’re interested in becoming a welder but don’t want to go through the traditional route of attending welding school, there are still options available to you. One of the most effective ways to learn welding is through on-the-job training.

This hands-on approach allows you to gain valuable experience while earning a paycheck. Here are a few ways you can get started:

Get Hired as a Welder’s Helper at a Shop

One way to kickstart your welding career is by getting hired as a welder’s helper at a local shop. This position will allow you to work closely with experienced welders and learn the trade from the ground up.

As a helper, you’ll assist with various tasks such as gathering materials, preparing surfaces, and cleaning equipment. This hands-on experience will give you a solid foundation in welding techniques and processes.

Find Work as a Welding Apprentice

Another option is to find work as a welding apprentice. Many companies offer apprenticeship programs that provide a combination of on-the-job training and classroom instruction. As an apprentice, you’ll work under the guidance of a skilled welder who will mentor you and help you develop your skills.

This structured learning environment will give you the opportunity to gain hands-on experience while also learning the theoretical aspects of welding.

Consider Pre-Apprenticeship Programs

If you’re having trouble finding an apprenticeship directly, you may want to consider pre-apprenticeship programs. These programs are designed to prepare individuals for entry into an apprenticeship by providing them with the necessary skills and knowledge.

Pre-apprenticeship programs often include a combination of classroom instruction and hands-on training, giving you a well-rounded education in welding. Additionally, these programs may also help you connect with potential employers and increase your chances of securing an apprenticeship.

The key is to take advantage of every opportunity to practice your skills and ask questions while in an on-the-job training role. With dedication and a willingness to learn, you can gain the welding skills needed to build a career without attending welding school full-time.

Teach Yourself Welding through Self-Study

Learning a skilled trade like welding doesn’t always require formal education at a welding school. With the right resources and a strong determination, you can teach yourself welding through self-study. Here are some effective methods to get started:

Use Books and Manuals

Books and manuals can be valuable sources of information for self-studying welding. There are many comprehensive guides available that cover the basics of welding techniques, safety precautions, and equipment usage.

These resources often include detailed illustrations and step-by-step instructions, making it easier for beginners to grasp the concepts. Some recommended books for self-studying welding include "The Welding Manual" by Haynes and "Welding For Dummies" by Steven Robert Farnsworth.

Watch Welding Tutorial Videos

Thanks to the internet, you have access to a wealth of welding tutorial videos that can help you learn the craft. Platforms like YouTube offer a wide range of videos created by experienced welders and instructors.

These videos provide practical demonstrations of various welding techniques, troubleshooting tips, and advice on equipment selection. Watching and following along with these tutorials can give you a better understanding of the welding process and help you improve your skills.

Take an Online Welding Course

If you prefer a more structured approach to learning, consider enrolling in an online welding course. Many reputable institutions and organizations offer online courses that cover different aspects of welding, from basic techniques to advanced welding processes.

These courses typically include video lectures, interactive quizzes, and hands-on assignments to help you practice your skills. Websites like Udemy and Coursera offer a variety of online welding courses that you can complete at your own pace.

It‘s important to invest in proper safety gear for hands-on practice. While self-study cannot replace formal training, it is valuable for welder hopefuls to get a start on building knowledge.

Earn a Short Welding Certificate

Getting a basic welding certificate or taking introductory welding courses is a quicker route to gaining entry-level skills versus a full multi-year welding diploma program. Here are some options:

Complete a Basic Welding Certificate at a Community College

If you are looking to become a welder without attending a traditional welding school, one option is to pursue a basic welding certificate at a community college. Many community colleges offer short-term programs that provide you with the fundamental knowledge and skills needed to start a career in welding.

These programs typically cover welding safety, different welding techniques, and welding equipment operation. By completing a basic welding certificate at a community college, you can gain a solid foundation in welding and increase your chances of finding entry-level welding positions.

Take a Private Welding Course Offered by a Welding School

Another option to become a welder without going to welding school is to enroll in a private welding course offered by a reputable welding school. These private courses are designed to provide focused and intensive training in welding.

They often have flexible schedules and offer hands-on experience with welding equipment. By taking a private welding course, you can learn from experienced instructors who can provide personalized guidance and mentorship. Additionally, some welding schools offer job placement assistance.

While short programs cannot replace comprehensive welding school, they allow faster entry into the field. With dedication and continuous learning, you can develop the necessary welding skills.

Get Certified in Welding

If you want to become a welder without attending welding school, getting certified in welding is a crucial step. Certification demonstrates your competency and increases hireability. Here are some ways to obtain welding certification:

Pass Welder Certification Testing

One way to get certified in welding is by passing welder certification testing. These tests are conducted by certified welding inspectors to assess skills and knowledge in various welding processes.

The tests involve performing welds on different materials and in different positions. By passing, you prove welding proficiency and enhance job prospects.

Consider Getting Certified in GTAW/TIG Welding

Another worthwhile certification option is GTAW (Gas Tungsten Arc Welding) or TIG (Tungsten Inert Gas) welding. GTAW/TIG is a highly specialized precision form of welding requiring expertise.

Obtaining GTAW/TIG certification showcases specialized skills and opens doors to more advanced welding jobs. Reputable certification programs are offered by organizations like the American Welding Society (AWS) and National Center for Construction Education and Research (NCCER).

While certification is often not mandatory, it greatly improves hireability as employers have assurance of your skills. Target certifications fitting your region and industry.

Build Your Welding Career from the Ground Up

If you’re looking to become a welder but don’t want traditional welding school, you can build a career from the ground up. This may take more time but can lead to success.

Start with Entry-Level Welding Jobs

One way to start your welding career without school is by finding entry-level welding jobs. These provide hands-on experience and basics learning on the job.

While these positions may not pay well initially, they can lead to better opportunities down the road after gaining skills. Look for roles at manufacturing companies, construction, or repair shops. Many provide on-site training.

Starting at the bottom and working up builds valuable experience and dedication.

Develop Your Skills on the Job

Once starting an entry-level job, keep developing skills through employer training and self-directed learning. There are abundant online resources, books, and videos to expand welding knowledge.

Ask experienced welders for guidance to learn techniques and tips. Building a professional network opens doors to mentorship and future job possibilities.

Consider Specializing in a Certain Welding Process

With more expertise, consider specializing in a process like TIG, MIG, or pipe welding. Specializing makes you more valuable compared to general welders. It can lead to higher pay and specialized opportunities.

Master one specialty through training and certifications. Proving expertise in a niche makes you a strong hire candidate.

Becoming a welder without school is challenging but achievable through starting basic, self-development, and specialization. With hard work and commitment to learning, you can build a successful career from the bottom up.


In summary, while traditional welding school has benefits, it is possible to break into welding through options like on-the-job training, self-studying, short courses, and certifications.

The pathway without school takes persistence, dedication, and a willingness to start from entry-level roles but can lead to an exciting career. Hands-on workplace experience combined with continually self-expanding your skills ultimately develops expertise.

So for those passionate about welding, don‘t let a lack of schooling deter you. There are alternative routes to gain welding competencies and work towards specialty certifications fitting your interests. With the drive to learn on the job and self-motivation to keep progressing, a future as a talented welder can be forged even without formal welding education.
