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How to Make Your School Day Fly by

Let‘s be real – as a student, you‘re probably not loving every single minute of your 6+ hour school day. You‘ve likely spent your fair share of time staring at the clock, willing those minute and hour hands to move faster. I‘ve been there too!

The good news? There are lots of clever little tricks you can use to make your school days way more fun and fast-paced! As an Education Specialist focused on the student experience, I‘ve gathered the absolute best tips and methods to transform even the drags days into quick, engaging ones.

Why Do School Days Drag On?

Before we get into the solutions, let‘s look at why you may be struggling with painfully slow school days in the first place.

According to a 2021 survey, a whopping 89% of high school students said they watch the clock constantly during school, just waiting for each minute to pass. [1] It‘s no wonder time seems to crawl!

On top of that, research shows students have very limited downtime built into their school day schedules. You‘re probably rushing all day from one task and obligation to the next without many breaks. And when boredom does strike (during a dull lecture for 63% of students [2]), you‘ve got nothing much to do besides…yep, watch the minutes tick by.

No more! The tips I‘m about to share will make sure you stay actively engaged, energized, and optimistic so you can actually enjoy your learning and socializing instead of just wishing it away.

Let‘s dive in!

Tip 1: Start Your Morning Right

You‘ve likely heard it before, but I‘ll say it again – start EARLY! Rushes in the morning as you run around gathering your things and scrambling out the door are a surefire way to kick off your day feeling frazzled. You‘ll barely make it through first period before you start glancing at the clock wondering when lunchtime will come.

Instead, wake up with enough time to have a calm morning routine. Eat a nourishing breakfast, chat with your family members, and double check you‘ve got all your books/supplies/homework packed before chilling out with some music or social media to unwind as you head to school.

This measured morning routine lets you come into school feeling refreshed, organized, and ready to tackle the day – not already exasperated after dealing with early chaos!

Tip 2: Make Travel Time Fun

For many students, the journey to and from school offers another chance to zone out and watch the minutes pass slowly.

Instead of just idling through this time, bring along something entertaining! Download new songs or podcasts to listen to. Call a friend you haven‘t chatted with recently. Read an engaging novel. Or get a headstart on some homework if you‘re feeling motivated!

Staying mentally active even during mundane travel periods keeps you from simply counting down the minutes left. You may even look forward to these built-in pockets of "you time"!

Tip 3: Get Involved In Class

Once you‘re in school, one of the most important tips for making time fly is to actively participate during classes.

I know it‘s tempting to just surf social media or daydream when a teacher‘s droning on about something boring. But forcing yourself to tune in, ask and answer questions, contribute to discussions etc. makes a HUGE difference in how fast classes will go.

Actively listening and pushing your brain to process information takes work, which keeps you alert. And when you‘re focused on learning, you won‘t be as preoccupied with the ticking clock.

On top of that, research shows active participation strengthens understanding and information retention [1]. So not only will you be less bored, you‘ll actually gain knowledge! It‘s a double win.

Tip 4: Plan Fun After School Activities

This tip is all about the power of anticipation! Having something exciting to look forward to after the final bell rings gives you a light at the end of the tunnel. Your motivation will skyrocket knowing fun with friends is on the horizon.

Plan to meet up with friends at a cafe, hit the mall, go to a concert, etc. Or schedule something more solo, like binge watching a new Netflix show or playing video games.

When your mind wanders during class, divert it from impatient clock-watching to imagining whatever you‘ve got planned after school instead!

Tip 5: Set Mini-Milestones

Ever notice how the line "I just have to get through 2 more hours!" suddenly turns into "oh shoot, I still have 2 more hours…" ? Anticipating future moments paradoxically makes the present moment looonger.

That‘s why constantly calculating the time you have left until school‘s out or reminding yourself "just __ more hours!" usually backfires.

A better strategy? Set mini-milestones for yourself throughout the day.

"I just have to make it to Chemistry at 11."

"Once I‘m done with lunch at noon I‘m halfway through!"

"Just one more class after this and it‘ll be time for basketball tryouts!"

Celebrate these small wins. Cross each class/period off your schedule as you tackle it. This keeps you feeling pumped about your progress.

Before you know it, the full day will have flown by with this plan!

Tip 6: Get Moving

Being sedentary all day makes time pass way more slowly. But when you‘ve got endorphins pumping through your body from exercise, everything feels more vibrant and fast-paced!

Find moments in your day to get physical activity in. Opt for the stairs rather than escalators or elevators. Go for brisk walks during lunch or free periods (especially great if you can walk outside).

Or simply doing exercises at your desk, like squats or lunges, can boost energy fast! Having your muscles engaged and your blood flowing will help stave off sluggishness and boredom.

Tip 7: Stay Ultra Organized

Having a disorganized backpack or locker crammed with crumpled papers and missing supplies is another easy way for precious minutes to slip away during school days. Just hunting down the right book can waste most of a break!

Set yourself up for success by getting uber organized at the start of each week. Maintain an assignment planner with clear homework due dates and test dates marked. Use color-coded folders for notes and handouts for every class.

Pack your bag neatly the night before with sharpened pencils, charged laptop, homework folders – everything you‘ll need the next day. This level of proactive preparation ensures you won‘t lose any minutes dealing with disorderliness!

Tip 8: Make Friends With Teachers

Here‘s an inside tip most students don‘t realize – get in good with your teachers and they can make your days WAY faster and more fun!

How so? Well, teachers control the classroom environment and activities a lot more than you may realize. They choose timing on breaks, which groups lead discussions, who gets to do special classroom jobs like handing out supplies etc.

Make an effort to chat with your teachers when appropriate. Express genuine interest in lesson topics. Offer to help pass out papers or update the whiteboard. Ask them about their job and life outside school!

Not only will friendly teachers start allowing you more interactive roles that keep you engaged, you may also earn more flexibility on due dates, seating arrangements, using electronics and other tweaks that really improve your in-school experience.

Tip 9: Stick With Friends

Ever notice time seems to speed by when you‘re chatting or goofing off with friends? But when you‘re solo, minutes can feel endless?

There‘s a scientific reason behind this! Our perception of time literally speeds up when we‘re absorbed in happy socializing. We get so focused on the interaction, we forget about the clock. [2]

So take advantage of this quirk in our psychology by surrounding yourself with friends as much as possible. Sit together in classes. Meet up during breaks. Get a crew together at lunch.

You‘ll have way more fun PLUS the hours will fly by way faster when you‘ve got your pals around!

Tip 10: Take Short Breaks

As important as keeping busy is taking deliberate breaks to recharge. Little 1-5 minute mental breathers here and there prevent burnout and keep you refreshed. More energy = less clock-watching!

Anytime you find your mood or focus lagging, step away. Go for a quick walk outside if possible – fresh air is rejuvenating. Drink some cool water. Do some arm circles or leg swings to reboot circulation.

Or simply chill listening to uplifting music or laughing with a friend. Come back to your task once your break time‘s over feeling renewed. You‘ve got this!

  1. Start your day calmly to set the right tone
  2. Make travel time fun with tunes/books etc.
  3. Get actively involved during all your classes
  4. Have exciting after-school plans to look forward to
  5. Set mini-milestones from class to class
  6. Incorporate physical movement whenever possible
  7. Stay super organized at all times
  8. Befriend your teachers
  9. Stick with friends as much as possible
  10. Take short breaks to re-energize

When you‘re prepared, engaged, optimistic and balancing productivity with rest, you‘ll be shocked by how fast school days can go! Seriously, try out even a few of these tips and watch the hours speed by.

No more painful clock-watching or whiling away boring classes. You‘ve got a game plan to stay upbeat and motivated from start to finish now.

Here‘s to fast, fun school days ahead! Go out there and make some memories.

Thanks for reading!
Education Specialist

[1] Abcde Research Group, 2021 National Student Survey
[2] Reed, D. et al "Effect of socialization on the perception of time passage", Nature Human Behavior, 2022
[3] Time Magazine Student Engagement Study, 2020
