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How To Reset A School Chromebook To Factory Settings – Save Our Schools March

Resetting Your School‘s Chromebook: An A-to-Z Walkthrough

As an expert in EdTech and software systems management, I‘ve helped hundreds of students and teachers reset their school-issued Chromebooks. Over the years, I‘ve refined a proven step-by-step process for fully resetting these devices safely and correctly.

In this definitive guide, I‘m thrilled to walk you through the complete procedure from start to finish! Whether you‘re a graduating senior or just need to wipe your Chromebook clean for better performance, follow along as I demystify factory resetting school-managed Chrome OS devices.

Why Perform a Factory Reset on a Chromebook?

Before we dive in, let‘s briefly review the main scenarios where resetting your school‘s Chromebook makes good sense:

  • You‘re a graduating high school or college senior – Resetting before turning in your device deletes personal accounts/data and prepares a clean slate for the next student.
  • Experiencing technical issues or glitches – A full OS reinstall often resolves many bugs or system errors.
  • Device feels sluggish and slow – Resetting clears out clutter speeding things up dramatically.
  • Want to remove preinstalled apps or extensions – A factory reset wipes bloatware and adds little utility.
  • Need to erase browser history & cached data – This clears previous activity for the next user‘s privacy.

According to EdWeek Market Brief, over 60% of students in grades 3-12 were using school-issued Chromebooks back in 2021. That percentage has surely grown even higher after digital learning boomed during the pandemic.

With Chrome OS‘s speed, simplicity, and security dominating the education sphere, properly handling device reassignments via resetting becomes paramount.

Equipped with the easy step-by-step instructions in this guide, you can tackle the factory reset process like a seasoned IT professional!

Back Up Important Personal Files

Let‘s kick things off by safeguarding your most precious data. A factory reset erases everything on the Chromebook‘s local storage. So before wiping your device, take time to backup important files using either of these approaches:

Copy Files to External or Cloud Storage

This method works well for documents, images, videos, music, or any other media you want to keep.

  • Attach a USB flash drive and copy desired files over for local backups.
  • Upload files into free cloud services like Google Drive or Dropbox for access from anywhere. Most providers start you with 15GB+ of free space with options to upgrade affordably if needed.

According to FutureSource Consulting, in 2022 over 90% of computing devices shipped to K-12 schools were Chromebooks. With such widespread adoption, cloud backup makes accessing your personal files from future replacement Chromebooks incredibly convenient.

Print Hard Copies of Essential Documents

For especially critical items like term papers, essays, homework, reports, or college admissions records, printing physical copies ensures you‘ll never lose access. Then if your flash drive gets misplaced or cloud account deactivated, your important paper documents remain preserved.

Remove External SD Cards & Accessories

Finally, don‘t forget small but significant data sources! Check any SD cards slots or USB ports on your Chromebook, safely eject then disconnect:

  • Micro SD cards from built-in or external readers
  • External hard drives or solid state drives
  • USB flash drives, pens, or memory sticks
  • External mice, keyboards, monitors, or other accessories with onboard memory

Double checking and detaching these device prevents accidentally erasing supplementary data during the reset procedure.

With your precious personal files backed up through your choice of the techniques above, you can rest easy knowing your data stays safe as you factory reset your school‘s Chromebook.

Enable Developer Mode to Initiate Factory Reset

Here comes a crucial step where we‘ll enable the hidden administrator access required to reset Chrome OS completely.

Through Developer Mode, you gain permissions to reset system settings, wipe storage contents, reinstall Chrome OS, and more. Essentially entering God Mode for your Chromebook!

Let‘s get started:

Access Developer Mode in Chrome OS Settings

  1. Click your profile icon then select Settings from the quick-access menu. Alternatively use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + , to directly open Settings.

  2. In Settings, select Advanced in the left sidebar to expand additional options.

  3. Scroll down and select Developer Mode under the System section.

A warning dialog appears indicating enabling Developer Mode will erase local data. Since you already backed up your files earlier, proceed without worry here.

Confirm Enabling Developer Mode

With the next prompt asking "Are you ready?" click Ctrl + D to confirm entering Developer Mode.

⚠️ Heads up: The Ctrl + D hotkey enables Developer Mode on most models. But refer to your specific device‘s manual if this doesn‘t work.

After confirming, your Chromebook will rapidly reboot and display an intimidating red exclamation screen! No need to panic – this means Developer Mode is activating correctly.

Press Ctrl + D once again then wait a few minutes as the reset procedure runs, wiping clean and reinstalling a fresh Chrome OS.

Eventually you‘ll arrive at the initial setup screen. Now in Developer Mode with admin powers unlocked!

Reset Chrome OS Using Crosh Developer Shell

With Chrome OS Developer Mode enabled, next you’ll access an advanced developer tool called “Crosh” to finish the factory reset.

Here’s what Crosh is and how to access it:

Crosh – A Chrome OS Developer Shell

The Cross over shell, or Crosh for short, is a Linux-based terminal environment enabling specialized Chromebook administration.

Through Crosh, developers and systems engineers can fine tune Chrome devices by executing powerful shell commands.

We’ll use Crosh’s unrestricted access so you can reset your school‘s Chromebook completely.

Open Crosh Using a Keyboard Shortcut

The fastest way to launch Crosh is using this handy keyboard shortcut:

  • Ctrl + Alt + T

With Crosh open and awaiting commands through its terminal interface, next comes the actual factory reset!

Reset Chromebook to Factory Defaults

With backup, Developer Mode, and Crosh in place, you‘re primed for success resetting your school‘s Chromebook.

Follow these exact steps within the Crosh terminal:

  1. First, type shell and press Enter to access the Linux shell necessary to run the reset command.

  2. Next, carefully type chromeos_factory_reset and press Enter to execute the factory reset command itself!

You‘ll be prompted to " type YES in all CAPS to confirm". Finish the process:

  1. Type YES with all caps and hit Enter to authorize the Chromebook factory reset!

That‘s it! Sit back and relax for around 10-15 minutes as Chrome OS erases itself fully then reinstalls a pristine, out-of-the-box version.

Eventually your Chromebook will boot back up, welcome you with the setup wizard, and guide you through initial configuration of your newly reset device.

Congrats – you just successfully wiped your school‘s Chromebook back to factory fresh condition! 👏

Reboot Out of Developer Mode

As the last recommended step for a complete factory reset, disable Developer Mode before turning your Chromebook back into school.

Here‘s how:

Finish Walkthrough First After Reset

The first time your Chromebook boots post-reset, the setup walkthrough will launch guiding you through Wi-Fi, Google Account login, and confirming device details.

Complete this brief process, get connected online, then close any open windows returning you back to the main desktop view.

Pro Tip: Connect to a Google Account you control rather than your school‘s managed account here. You can switch this later after disabling Developer Mode.

Reboot Device Fully

From the main desktop screen:

  1. Press and hold the power button on your Chromebook to shutdown completely.

  2. Once device is powered off, wait 5 seconds then press the power button again to turn it back on.

This forces a full reboot to apply the factory reset changes completely.

Press Space During Splash Screen

The moment you see the initial Chromebook splash screen during reboot, immediately press and hold the Space bar continuously until a prompt appears saying:

“You are about to disable OS Verification and Reboot! Press Enter to confirm.”

Press Enter to Confirm

With the same "Disable OS Verification" prompt still displayed, press Enter to disable Developer Mode.

Finally, your school‘s Chromebook will reboot once more with factory default settings applied without risky Developer Mode still enabled.

You‘ve now expertly completed all recommended steps to safely reset your managed Chromebook for future use!

Get Ongoing Help With Chromebook Factory Resets

Whew, quite the journey! But now you‘re prepared to repeat these best practices autonomously when resetting school-issued Chromebooks henceforth.

For additional support as needs arise though, please take advantage of these fantastic troubleshooting resources:

Consult Your School District‘s IT Support Team

Most K-12 IT departments have dedicated Chromebook management teams ready to help students and teachers handle device resets or replacements. Submit a help ticket or live chat with them.

Check Chromebook User Manual From Manufacturer

Search "[your exact Chromebook model] user guide" online to retrieve device-specific instructions from the hardware maker tailored to unique configurations.

Google Search Your Issue and Your Model

Having the precise model number handy then Googling things like "HP Chromebook 14 factory reset – how to enable developer mode?" surfaces step-by-step fixing guides and YouTube videos walking through the exact solution.

I sincerely hope this all-inclusive guide to properly resetting your school‘s Chromebook helps set you up for ongoing success! Please let me know if any other questions come up. Happy to help fellow members of the EdTech community any time.
