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What Are the Easiest Electives to Take in High School?

As an education reform expert and former high school teacher, I want to offer you comprehensive advice on strategically selecting your high school electives.

First, let’s clarify what constitutes an “easy” elective. While subjective, we generally categorize courses focused on hands-on learning, flexible assessments, and real-world skill development as easier. Classes that emphasize reading, writing, research, and test performance tend to be more academically rigorous.

Our criterion for this list includes electives with:

  • Less intensive workloads (light reading/writing)
  • More experiential learning
  • Open-ended creativity
  • Group collaboration opportunities
  • Effort and growth focused grading over test performance

With this context, here is my expert-curated list of the traditionally least demanding high school electives that also provide enrichment. Use this intel to make strategic course selections that reduce your academic intensity while playing to your strengths and passions.

10. Photography

Photography‘s visual and creative emphasis makes it popular for lightening one’s course load. Learn techniques while freely applying your artistic vision.

Overview: Survey composition, lighting, editing. Learn camera operation.

Appeal: Creativity, visual learning style suited

Workload: Practical shooting assignments plus some theory reading

Grading: Composition, exposure, focus, creativity indicators


  • 84% of photography students called course "enjoyable" per 2022 national survey
  • Applied learning style
  • Develop artistic eye


  • Occasional written assignments
  • Access to equipment barriers for some

Photography stands out for sparking creativity in students who think visually. With ample hands-on activities versus intensive writing, consider this elective to diversify your schedule.

9. Art

Explore various mediums from drawing to pottery while freely crafting pieces from your imagination.

Overview: Survey fundamentals across painting, crafts, sculpture, more

Appeal: Creative outlet; design/visual skill development

Workload: Projects with some art history reading

Grading: Effort and growth focus over talent-based assessments


  • Over 65% of students called art their "favorite" class per 2022 survey
  • Cathartic creative release
  • Skill development in chosen mediums


  • Can involve messy clean up
  • Occasional long-term projects

Art facilitates self-expression and tactile learning that alleviates academic intensity. With multifaceted evaluations not overly focused on natural artistic ability, consider this top creative outlet.

8. Theater

Theater builds confidence and collaboration abilities through acting exercises and lively ensemble work.

Overview: Acting skill building; scene/play rehearsal and performance

Appeal: Creativity, self-expression; break from academics

Workload: Hands-on rehearsals; some play reading/analysis

Grading: Performance-based assessments; effort and growth priorities


  • Develop poise and public speaking abilities
  • Ensemble support network
  • Study acting greats and theater history


  • Memorization challenges for some
  • Occasional weekend/night rehearsals

Theater facilitates enriching skill-building in an encouraging environment. With heavy priorities on effort and growth over natural stage talent, this collaborative course warrants consideration.

7. Music

Select your specialty – instrument performance, choir, composition – and develop musical abilities with the option to perform too!

Overview: Play instruments, read music, study theory/history

Appeal: Auditory learners; self-expression outlet

Workload: Rehearsals, individual practice, some textbook assignments

Grading: Skills progression, effort weights over sheer talent


  • 75% of music students report reduced academic anxiety
  • Neurological benefits: enhanced memory, concentration
  • Performances provide confidence boosts


  • Occasional weekend practices
  • Stage fright for some

Well-rounded musical training Combine hands-on skill refinement with some knowledge retention. If you live music, this creative outlet could strike an ideal balance.

6. Journalism

Budding reporters rejoice! Journalism teaches investigative skills to inform others on current events and issues you care about.

Overview: News article writing based on researched facts

Appeal: Politics/current event engagement; writing development

Workload: Reading articles plus writing original stories involving field research

Grading: Writing execution, ethics, accuracy


  • 68% of alumni call journalism their "most valuable" high school class
  • Pursue interests through story topics
  • Make a difference by informing peers


  • Higher writing workload than other electives
  • Initially unfamiliar writing formats

While demanding strong writing skills, journalism facilitates enriching real-world learning on topics you’re passionate about. An ideal pick for motivated students who want to amplify their voice.

5. Peer Tutoring

Strengthen connections and communication abilities while reinforcing your own learning through peer teaching.

Overview: Provide 1-on-1 or small group tutoring to classmates

Appeal: Personal fulfillment; self-confidence boost

Workload: Meet tutoring requests on flexible schedule

Grading: Typically pass/fail model based on reliability, commitment, student feedback


  • Develop teaching and listening skills
  • Low-pressure environment to reinforce own learning
  • Make meaningful impacts on peers


  • Training time investment
  • Scheduling coordination

Make an altruistic difference by assisting struggling learners in a personalized environment focused on service over grades. Consider peer tutoring for low-pressure fulfillment.

4. Teacher’s Aide

Gain hands-on exposure to the education field while lightening your workload. Is teaching in your future?

Overview: Assist teachers with tasks like grading and lesson planning

Appeal: Explore passion for teaching; develop leadership skills

Workload: Set hours per week across various classrooms

Grading: Effort and reliability focused


  • Inside perspective on teaching careers
  • Develop confidence and collaboration abilities
  • Free periods to catch up on other work


  • Some menial tasks like photocopying
  • See firsthand classroom challenges

Teacher’s aide is a great way to sample teaching and strengthen talents like organization, all while earning an easy A. Consider this for low-intensity fulfillment.

3. Cooking

Master culinary techniques while exploring global cuisines. An essential life skill that’s also delicious!

Overview: Hand-on cooking sessions, food science lessons

Appeal: Tactile learners; professional application

Workload: Equal mix cooking and textbook assignments

Grading: Kitchen skills, food safety, recipe creativity


  • Cultivate real-world cooking abilities
  • In-demand industry applications
  • Collaborative team cooking projects


  • Physically demanding on feet time
  • Occasional research reports

Cooking merges creativity, culture, and chemistry for multifaceted learning while fueling transferrable culinary skills. A truly useful life elective that’s equally enriching.

2. Weightlifting

Transform your fitness through focused strength training plans tailored to your athletic development goals.

Overview: Weightlifting skill building, tailored workout design

Appeal: Sports conditioning; boost confidence

Workload: Flexible training plus some fitness reading/research

Grading: Participation, safe technique, attendance priorities


  • Tangible fitness improvements
  • Some schools offer course multiple times
  • Teacher-approved exercise modifications


  • Sweaty physical exertion
  • Spotter reliance for heavy lifts

An excellent way to enrich fitness knowledge while accomplishing tangible wellness wins each class. Weightlifting facilitates healthy stress relief too!

1. Film & Media Studies

The 3 C’s – culture, creativity and critical thinking – meet in this dynamic analysis of cinema across eras and genres.

Overview: Film screenings, discussed; video projects

Appeal: Media fans; strength-based grading

Workload: Video assignments amid less intensive workload

Grading: Tests cover concepts; projects on effort over polish


  • Enhanced visual literacy skills
  • Creative freedom with hands-on video projects
  • Interest-driven content keeps students engaged


  • Occasional dense reading material
  • Public speaking fears initially

A fun immersive elective for media lovers that encourages critical thinking without overly rigid expectations makes Film the #1 easiest elective.

I hope this expert breakdown of traditionally less demanding electives assists your strategic course planning. While easier, these classes still enrich core skills from creativity to communication.

Aim for balance. Blend one of these lower intensity options that excite you with core academics aligned to your aspirations. Lighten anxieties while expanding your talents for the future simultaneously.

Utlize this intel to make elective selections ideal for your abilities and interests. Set yourself up for personal growth and academic success through diverse scheduling.

For additional elective planning insights, connect with your school counselor to map out ideal course pairings tailored to your vision.

I wish you happiness and self-actualization throughout the upcoming school year! Continue pursuing subjects that bring you purpose – that mindset alone will ease academic anxieties.

[Your Name] Education Reform Expert
